You can check out the latest podcasts and interviews I’ve spoken at using the links below – enjoy!
Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.
Bernard m baruch

Tech Trends Aug 2023
Peita and I discuss the tension between automation and client experience, the pros and cons of the various tech tools that advisors are currently using, and how to get better outcomes to suit your practice.

Tech Trends Oct 2021
This five part series delivered through the XY Adviser network includes my thoughts on identifying, prioritising, and managing ideas for businesses today.

Harnessing design-thinking and innovation to evolve your business on-demand Sept 2021
Through the TAL Risk Academy, I shared advice for businesses looking for practical ways to leverage design thinking techniques.
- TAL Risk Academy (Free TAL Risk Academy login required).

The tech every paraplanner needs to know about Nov 2020
There’s a massive ocean of possibilities and opportunities when it comes to financial services tech and it can be overwhelming to know what you need to pay attention to as a Paraplanner.
I joined Rise of the Paraplanner to provide a rundown of the advances in both compliance and SOA generation software and also offer some tips on how to choose the right tech to enhance your role.

Does your website need this? Nov 2019
I joined Goals Based Advice Podcast to discuss how to reap the maximum value from your website. Listen to the episode from any of the following.

XY Adviser Nov 2019
I explore how my experience in financial advice helps me specialise in developing policy, process, and technology solutions that empower advisers to do more.

How to start conversations Oct 2019
I have spent many years solving advisers problems by installing processes in their business to make everything run smoothly.